Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Sunday was Aaron's Birthday, so the boys and I made him some cupcakes.
They were very excited to help pour!

And Mix
While we waited for the cupcakes to bake, we went outside and found a surprise that Razzles and Linky left for Daddy!
Rhett is taking cover :)
That evening we went over to Gaga and Papa's house for the annual Lasagna dinner.
Then it was time for the party!

Rhett is helping Daddy open the present that he picked out all by himself!
He walked down the aisle looking at all sorts of stuff and when this caught his eye he said: Daddy's present, Happy Birthday Daddy!
Just what Daddy wanted New Garbage Trucks :)
Hope you had a great day! We love You Daddy!!!

1 comment:

  1. I bet Daddy had a GREAT birthday with all of that fun. And TWO new garbage trucks?! Who wouldn't love that?! HA! Happy Birthday, Aaron!
