I had mentioned earlier that the boys have new tricks. Here are some of Rhett's, I have a feeling I will come home someday and he is going to be sitting on the roof! This boy loves to climb!!!
I'm a big boy now, wonder how I get out of here...
Yeah, this will work, just throw myself forward...Gravity should do the rest!
And I'm out.
Look at me, I can stand, in the chair!
Ok, I just need to pull up here on this barrel...
Don't worry Mom, just trying to sit in your chair...
Grant's tricks are better described with video. This is a huge success for him, because he never wants to feed himself, we still hold his bottles for him... (I know, I know... he's just so sweet I can't bring myself to stop!)
Grant has now figured out how to turn his walker around!
Yay for all of these accomplishments! Emily has something in common with Rhett - she is a MAJOR climber! (eek) It was interesting to watch Grant because I was thinking "how weird, look at the hand he is using primarily," and then I realized that it is his right but it seems weird because Emily primarily uses her left. What about Rhett?